It's to challenge your beliefs."
Greek episode 13
Go figure folks.
Written by
Nadrah Mustafa
Written by
Nadrah Mustafa
It's not every night you get to find Jane could not go to bed. Yes, I sleep early. Religious to me bed time. But it's already 3 in the morning. Another hour, I'd be playing Gwen's 4 in the morning song. Okay kidding.
I can't even read my text book. My mind dah terbang.
I was driving home the other day, in my mother's ride, that made me totally feel like a soccer mom.
The policeman was waving his arms like weed, signaling cars and trucks and motorcycles and buses to make their way. What a sight.
We have traffic lights to indicate our movements.
But yet, we get back to the root. The policeman. Mankind at its best.
Then I past him, on my way to pick my kid brother from school. Every time I passed by him, I smiled at him. Don't ask me why. Perhaps it was my way to say thank you, only he didn't see it. HAHA. Aku rasa bodoh lah pulak.
We have situations in life to indicate our life paths.
But yet, we get back to our molding ground. Think about what the pasts have taught you. We get back to the old days. The good old days. The bad ones even, they turn into good.
Even the technological changes. Like the stupid traffic light that gives a major headache when you drive home during rush hours bring us back to the root, the policeman that waves his arms like weed.
So, where you're standing right now, I guess no matter how you do not want to look behind, I guess it would still be in you.
J.D Salinger, Holden Cauldfield, "Don't start telling someone something. Because when you do, you'd miss everybody."
Something like that lah, my Catcher in The Rye not with me. Jan-without-E. Baca habis cepat. Dah rindu buku tu.
Written by
Nadrah Mustafa
Seriously, somebody has to shoot me.
I have been wanting to write a friggin' post on the matter love, since like, ages ago. Okay maybe not, last month. And April is going to end soon. Bodoh punya muse, datang lambat gila.
Anyway, all I've been wanting to say is that, the word love is getting over-rated by the second. Sumpah.
EVERYDAY conversations revolve around it, sometimes I think infatuation is love and love is infatuation. And so they say, love always win. And I guess, that is why people are dwelling upon the subject for this season.
And did I tell you my friggin case study and my friggin presentation was on love?
Dude, my presentation was on Romantic Relationship. How sloppy and how mushy was that? But they said I did good - because I was experienced. What kind of comment was that? I mean, hello? You don't need to be in it to be good at it. Okay, tarik balik - that was totally wrong. But I wasn't even inspired to say anything smart or intellectual for that matter. All I said was excerpts and examples from the so called love genius, William friggin Shakespeare.
My point here is, social science is sick. How can they make a theory out of a SACRED matter?
Fine. But I've to admit, agak genius lah jugak diorang ni sebenarnya.
And the case study? It was on gender differences in mate selection. And yes girls, guys can live without LOVE but WITH SEX. It's proven.
Okay, basically it was on what guys look in girls and vice versa. It was derived by the evolutionary theory, Darwin ah siapa lagi. And socio-cultural perspectives. The whole why men are somehow "higher" than women thing, from religious views and all.
Jan-without the E; "Kenapa perempuan selalu nak lelaki kaya blablabla?"
I blame Darwin dude. Okay, maybe if I blame him, I'd blame the force of nature. But you know why? THEY SAY, guys seek (I just realized I dah mumble about this matter in one of the last posts) features to cultivate their species. And thus, women would find for a figure that provides them security.
Thing is, I thought it was suppose to be all sugar - utopia, bliss, joy what not. Fine, it's such an IDEALISTIC imagination. Who cares? A girl can dream can she? Then again, gila fake.
They say, signals of attraction:
Physical proximity
And how to fall in love:
Love object
A state of arousal.
If someone cukup syarat, maka, dia telah jatuh cinta.
How far true is this?
You see, you watch movies yes, they infatuate, confess, smooch, and get to bed. And that's it. Then, the next thing you know, another love object appears, and the list goes on. Macam senang je nak fall in love kan? Well, that would be the passionate love. The one that only has the passion and intimacy component.
Companionate love: Commitments and Intimacy. Macam deep friendship lah.
Here comes the tricky part, consummate love: Intimacy + Passion + Commitment.
We're not talking about being only loyal. Its such a general word. We're talking about, making decisions together. Being committed to your exact words, (and I can't think of anything else) etc.
Being committed to each others lives - dreams, whatever lah kan.
But tell me, if its only Intimacy+Passion, how could it be call LOVE. I mean, well I see it as infatuation. You can't just jump into bed with someone just after knowing them for what, few days? Gila infatuation lah okay, I mean, its almost like I'm reading Romeo and Juliet again. How can winds change so fast?
Consummate love? You tell me dear, were all the commitments real? Were all of them fulfilled? Maybe I might sound a little bit selfish. And now, "What did I do?" You should know better. But you know, like I said, or the movie did, or perhaps the song did, love means letting go.
Passionate love? Can one be in a passionate love so fast?
Maybe, I'm just going round the bush again. It does not take science to figure all these things eh? It does not take rationale.
Follow your heart, leave the head alone.
I guess when you're ready to take that leap, you'd know. And when you fall, well, you could always stand again.
And he said; "Flocked Jane."
You decide.
Written by
Nadrah Mustafa
Written by
Nadrah Mustafa
Written by
Nadrah Mustafa
I feel like inhaling packets of nicotine, which would definitely be out of my norm. And would without doubt make me feel sick, and put me right to bed.
But that's the point. It'll make me be on the bed. Listen to the music at a very slow volume, as if it signifies sadness.
I feel like throwing pebbles at the cars, with anger rage but really, it'll not get me anywhere.
I feel like snuggling in my warm blanket when this stupid ceiling fan feels too cold even during the day and there's nothing like the warmth shared with your trusty pillow.
Don't as mke why, because I can't find the link. I mean, I'm sure it is it. And I was confident that it is what's suppose to be. But then, why this?
Mari mari baring.
Written by
Nadrah Mustafa
Written by
Nadrah Mustafa
Yes, finally they came to me. You know why? Because, girls get distracted by cute fuzzly stuff.
Shut up, fine I'm a girl. But I just don't get it. I was at the library, and there's this green thing, apparently famous because of a movie, to me, I find the green annoying.
I wanted to post the picture up so that you can agree with me it's annoying. But uh, malas. So anyways, the girls went.. "Eee. So Cute!" Wait, just for the record I have nothing against this. I do that at times too. I just don't understand why.
Because when a guy goes.. "Eee. So Cute!" at a fuzzly wuzzly (how annoying is fuzzly wuzzly?) toy, he'll be labeled. Wow.
You know this thing, is actually that CJ-7 annoyingly green creature that is suppose to be a key-chain. Uh. And I not saw only one. But almost TEN freaking green lifeless creatures hanging from bags, tote, phones everywhere. DO YOU KNOW HOW BUGGED I AM?
And to top it up, a college mate's thumbdrive is actually the tongue of her "cute" annoying puppy. Yes, all I said was, "They come in different sizes now huh?"
OMG. How inconvenient to carry a bloody puppy keychain just because your stupid files are in the puppy's tongue?
Imagine you're at a printing shop to print your assignments and what not. And you see a puppy, sticking its tongue at a USB port. It'll just ruin my day man. I swear.
What is wrong with the world man!
And I sound nothing like a fool complaining about this.
Written by
Nadrah Mustafa
Oh God, do you know how hard is it to let a topic choose you? Well thats what some people say, a topic always chooses the writer. But I'm done waiting. I've seen my counter rising day to day, God. These people must be angry, haha.
So anyway, nothing much really. Been doing all those researches for some Mock Debate we had, and it was on politics. Yeah, all the economy and all. And it was not you average daily paper politics where you can still see they writing articles on Malaysia's politics and all, I mean, like that's the only thing we've to worry. Oh wait, now my mind is protesting.
It was on America's politics, and I was the G* Republican.
And you know what? I came to realize, they're not as bad. Maybe a little from the national security aspect.
I mean, most of the people I stumbled upon here go all "Democrats" and all. It's as if, they're voting against George Bush only because he sent troops to Iraq and all. OKAY FINE. It is inhumane and all, but well, for the coming election, that does not mean McCain would do the same?
The donkeys and elephants platforms are opposing each other.
More like the republicans are very conservative and all. But I guess it's good for the people as well. Remember when I said about changes and how people often get uptight about it? It's kinda like the same, they just stick to traditions. And maybe in a way, not willing to take risks for a change.
They don't support stem-cell research and all that embryo cloning thing. They don't support homosexual marriages. I mean, yes, I know at some point they're all "we have our own freedom of speech, freedom of religion" thing going on. And when they commit homosexual marriages, meaning, they don't believe in God.
So I guess in a way, Democrats is a very "up-to-date" party in a way that they support homosexual marriages. Higher taxes for people which really contradicts the Republicans' platform.
Generally, I think Republican is a stereotyped party. And Democrat, looks creamy on the outside.
But who cares about politics anyway? I know I don't - but don't sue me for this post. I'm really going through some "topic" crisis here.
And we lost anyway.
Written by
Nadrah Mustafa